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aftctl is available to install from official releases as described below. I recommend that you install aftctl from only the official GitHub releases.

For Mac

To download the latest release, run:

# for ARM systems, set ARCH to: `arm64`

curl -sLO "$ARCH.tar.gz"

# (Optional) Verify checksum
curl -sL "" | grep $ARCH | sha256sum --check

tar -xzf aftctl_Darwin_$ARCH.tar.gz -C /tmp && rm aftctl_Darwin_$ARCH.tar.gz

sudo mv /tmp/aftctl /usr/local/bin

For Linux

To download the latest release, run:

# for ARM systems, set ARCH to: `arm64` or `i386`

curl -sLO "$ARCH.tar.gz"

# (Optional) Verify checksum
curl -sL "" | grep $ARCH | sha256sum --check

tar -xzf aftctl_Linux_$ARCH.tar.gz -C /tmp && rm aftctl_Linux_$ARCH.tar.gz

sudo mv /tmp/aftctl /usr/local/bin

For Windows

Direct download (latest release): x86_64 - ARM64 - i386

Make sure to unzip the archive to a folder in the PATH variable.

Optionally, verify the checksum:

  1. Download the checksum file: latest
  2. Use Command Prompt to manually compare CertUtil's output to the checksum file downloaded.
    # Replace x86_64 with ARM64 or i386
    CertUtil -hashfile SHA256
  3. Using PowerShell to automate the verification using the -eq operator to get a True or False result:
    # Replace x86_64 with ARM64 or i386
    (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 .\ -eq ((Get-Content .\checksums.txt) -match '' -split ' ')[0]